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Well, I know wat everyone wil think of me... But it gets boring after a while... And you gotta know the beers and drinks... (YOURE HATING MEH :P)
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Well, I know wat everyone wil think of me... But it gets boring after a while... And you gotta know the beers and drinks... (YOURE HATING MEH :P)
WOO0o0 BEst game ever!!! i love Disco Disaster
Its boring... -_-
OMG !!!!
GET IT OFF MY MIND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
!!! HaHaHa !!!
Same as SINFULLSOUL here xD good you dindt hear me scream...i died 257 time, and dindt even finish LvL.3 :(
Nice game... Great for losing time :D
LoL, Lvl.32 i think is OMG !!! Its easy, but i wish i could stop time on that Lvl !!! :P
Nice But weird
I indt understand the game, :P I just did the things.... but when the story begins.... the letters and thing... im done with all the reading... and i clikc click press every botton, but it stay there... like 10mins... Thats the bad thing >:(
Nice bored boring, and hard... :(
Meow :3
Joined on 1/23/07